DDD建立营房, 帮助申请“Sasta Ghar”的人, 向德里特定团体提供折扣房屋。 DDA sets up camps to aid applicants for 'Sasta Ghar,' offering discounted homes to specific groups in Delhi.
德里发展局(DDA)已设立特别营地,帮助人们申请“Sasta Ghar”住房计划,提供25%的折扣住房。 The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has set up special camps to help people apply for the 'Sasta Ghar' housing scheme, offering homes at a 25% discount. 该倡议以特定群体为对象,如就业工人、出租车司机、妇女、退伍军人以及来自在册种姓和部落的群体。 The initiative targets specific groups like gig workers, taxi drivers, women, ex-servicemen, and those from Scheduled Castes and Tribes. 多个政府部门正在合作管理这些营地,向符合条件的受益者提供信息和援助。 Multiple government departments are collaborating to run these camps, providing information and assistance to eligible beneficiaries.