伊斯兰堡的CDA计划促进八个部门的发展,首先从C-14的地块拍卖开始。 Islamabad's CDA plans to boost development in eight sectors, starting with plot auctions in C-14.
伊斯兰堡的资本发展局 (CDA) 计划加速八个住宅部门的发展, The Capital Development Authority (CDA) in Islamabad plans to accelerate development in eight residential sectors, starting with Sector C-14, which has generated over Rs12 billion from plot auctions. 内务部长Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi敦促迅速完工,将地块移交阿罗提人,强调采取行动打击土地掠夺者,保护Margalla Hills国家公园。 Interior Minister Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi urged swift completion and the handover of plots to allottees, emphasizing action against land grabbers and protection of Margalla Hills National Park. 住房发展局的目标是解决住房需求和收入目标,同时面临压力,要求改善其发展速度和历史记录。 The CDA aims to address housing demand and revenue goals while facing pressure to improve its development pace and track record.