马哈拉施特拉邦政府批准了为孟买的加特科帕东区的17,000名居民提供8,498亿卢比的贫民窟恢复计划. Maharashtra government approves Rs 8,498 crore slum rehabilitation scheme for 17,000 dwellers in Ghatkopar East, Mumbai.
马哈拉施特拉邦政府批准了孟买Ghatkopar东省的Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar和Kamraj Nagar的8 498卢比贫民窟改造计划。 The Maharashtra government has approved an Rs 8,498 crore slum rehabilitation scheme for Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar and Kamraj Nagar in Ghatkopar East, Mumbai. 这一举措旨在惠及约17 000名贫民窟居民,将提供免费的1BHK住房,并改善基础设施,包括花园和保健中心。 This initiative, set to benefit around 17,000 slum dwellers, will provide free 1BHK homes and improve infrastructure, including gardens and health centers. 该项目是贫民窟恢复管理局与其他政府机构的合作项目,旨在改善生活条件,支持可持续城市发展,预计将在48个月内完成。 The project, a collaboration between the Slum Rehabilitation Authority and other government bodies, aims to enhance living conditions and support sustainable urban development, expected to be completed in 48 months.