中国和印度尼西亚本月将在印度尼西亚开展第一次联合军事救灾演习。 China and Indonesia will conduct their first joint military disaster relief exercise in Indonesia this month.
中国和印度尼西亚军队将于11月底至12月初在印度尼西亚进行第一次联合人道主义援助和救灾演习,即 " 和平Garuda-2024 " 演习。 Chinese and Indonesian militaries will conduct their first joint humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exercise, Peace Garuda-2024, in Indonesia from late November to early December. 演习将涉及陆军、海军和空军单位,重点是搜索和探测、医疗、后送、核生化防护和降落伞交付。 The drill will involve army, naval, and air force units focusing on search and detection, medical treatment, evacuation, NBC protection, and parachute delivery. 还计划进行文化和体育活动。 Cultural and sports activities are also planned. 这是两国庆祝外交关系75年并寻求加强军事合作之时。 This comes as the two countries celebrate 75 years of diplomatic relations and seek to enhance military cooperation.