2024年5月6日,在“肩并肩”演习期间,美菲军队举行联合导弹和炮兵演习,以回应中国在南海的行动。 On May 6, 2024, during the Balikatan drills, US and Philippine forces conducted joint missile and artillery exercises in response to China's actions in the South China Sea.
2024年5月6日,美国和菲律宾军队在联合演习中发射导弹和火炮,以回应中国在南海的“危险”行动。 US and Philippine military forces fired missiles and artillery during joint exercises on May 6, 2024, in response to China's "dangerous" actions in the South China Sea. “肩并肩”演习于4月22日开始,约有16,000名菲律宾和美国军人参与,演习地点在菲律宾北部海岸,面朝台湾。 The Balikatan drills, which began on April 22 and involved about 16,000 Filipino and American troops, took place on the Philippines' northern coast facing Taiwan. 在地区紧张局势加剧的情况下,此次演习旨在加强美国和菲律宾之间的军事关系。 The exercises aimed to strengthen military ties between the US and the Philippines as regional tensions rise.