中国和老挝在老挝联合开展医疗救援演习,以加强军事合作。 China and Laos to conduct joint medical rescue drill in Laos, enhancing military cooperation.
中国和老挝将在本月晚些时候在老挝联合开展一次称为“和平训练2024”的人道主义医疗救援演习。 China and Laos will conduct a joint humanitarian medical rescue exercise called "Peace Train-2024" in Laos later this month. 这标志着两国军队之间的第五次演习,旨在加强联合医疗和后勤指挥和救援能力。 This marks the fifth drill between the two nations' militaries, aiming to enhance joint medical and logistical command and rescue capabilities. 演习还将深化实际合作,包括为老挝军事人员和平民提供医疗服务。 The exercise will also deepen practical cooperation and include medical services for Lao military personnel and civilians.