印度尼西亚参加美国领导的军事演习,并同意与中国进行联合军事训练。 Indonesia participates in US-led military exercises and agrees to joint military training with China.
印度尼西亚参加美国领导的超级加鲁达盾牌军事演习,同时同意与中国进行联合军事训练,这反映了中国在中美竞争中的不结盟立场。 Indonesia participates in US-led military exercises Super Garuda Shield, while also agreeing to joint military training with China, reflecting its non-aligned stance in the US-China rivalry. 美国领导的演习涉及几个国家,而与中国的联合培训将加强区域安全。 The US-led exercises involve several countries, while the joint training with China will enhance regional security. 在雅加达举行会议后,印度尼西亚和中国高级官员就国防合作达成了协议。 This move follows a meeting in Jakarta where senior Indonesian and Chinese officials agreed on the defense cooperation.