CCD摄像机曾经被认为是过时的,现在在中国年轻人中呈现趋势,其驱动力是重新审美和兴旺的销售。 CCD cameras, once considered outdated, are trending among young Chinese, driven by a retro aesthetic and booming sales.
CCD摄影机曾一度被认为是“电子废物”, CCD cameras, once deemed "electronic waste," have become popular among young Chinese due to a retro trend. 市价从几万元飙升至数千元, 网上及商店的销售额均呈飙升趋势。 Prices have soared from a few tens of yuan to thousands, with sales booming online and in stores. 尽管人们对过时的技术和潜在的质量问题感到关切,但这些古老照相机独特的美观和可携带性吸引了买家,买家在社交媒体上分享照片,反映了对个性和怀旧的渴望。 Despite concerns about outdated technology and potential quality issues, the unique aesthetic and portability of these vintage cameras attract buyers, who share photos on social media, reflecting a desire for individuality and nostalgia.