中国的ACGN商品市场在青年的驱动下,增长到320亿美元,预计到2029年将达到850亿美元。 China's ACGN merch market, driven by youth, grows to $32 billion, expected to hit $85 billion by 2029.
围绕动漫,漫画,游戏和小说的"ACGN商业经济"在中国快速增长,2023年市场规模为2219亿元人民币,预计到2029年将达到5900亿元人民币. The "ACGN Merch Economy," centered around Anime, Comics, Games, and Novels, is rapidly growing in China, with a market size of RMB 221.9 billion in 2023, projected to reach RMB 590 billion by 2029. 年轻一代,尤其是 25 岁以下的年轻一代推动了这一增长,ACGN 产品成为一种“社交货币”形式。 The younger generation, particularly those under 25, drives this growth, with ACGN products becoming a form of "social currency." 该行业的影响正在扩大到主流文化,在学校假期期间,活跃用户人数达到顶峰。 The industry's influence is expanding into mainstream culture, with active user numbers peaking during school holidays.