在制造业和数据中心增长的推动下,澳大利亚私人资本支出在2024年第3季度增长了1.1%。 Australia's private capital expenditure rose 1.1% in Q3 2024, driven by growth in manufacturing and data centers.
在非采矿部门、制造业和数据中心的推动下,澳大利亚私人资本支出(Capex)在Q3 2024年增长了1.1%。 Australia's private capital expenditure (Capex) rose by 1.1% in Q3 2024, driven by non-mining sectors, manufacturing, and data centers. 2024-25年的Capex总额估计为1 782亿美元,比先前的估计数增加5.1%。 Total Capex for 2024-25 is estimated at $178.2 billion, a 5.1% increase from previous estimates. 建筑物和结构,以及设备和机械都增加了1.1%。 Buildings and structures, as well as equipment and machinery, both saw a 1.1% increase. 新南威尔士州和维多利亚州的增长最大,南澳大利亚州和北部地区则出现下降。 New South Wales and Victoria saw the largest growth, while South Australia and the Northern Territory experienced declines.