澳大利亚经常账户赤字在3 2024年问题中猛增到141亿美元,比2年问题增加了22亿美元。 Australia's current account deficit surged to $14.1 billion in Q3 2024, up $2.2 billion from Q2.
在2024年9月的季度,澳大利亚的经常账户赤字上升到141亿美元,比前一个季度增加了22亿美元。 In the September quarter of 2024, Australia's current account deficit rose to $14.1 billion, a $2.2 billion increase from the previous quarter. 贸易顺差下降到2018年6月以来的最低水平,部分原因是贸易条件恶化。 The trade surplus fell to its lowest since June 2018, partially due to declining terms of trade. 净初级收入赤字缩小到2021年9月以来最小,部分原因是支付给海外投资者的股息减少。 The net primary income deficit narrowed to its smallest since September 2021, partly because of a reduction in dividends paid to overseas investors.