澳大利亚经济增长比预期缓慢,政府支出有所帮助,但家庭支出滞后。 Australia's economy grew slower than expected, with government spending helping, but household spending lagging.
澳大利亚经济去年增长了0.8%,低于预期的1.1%,第三季度增长0.3%。 Australia's economy grew by 0.8% over the past year, lower than the 1.1% expected, with the third quarter showing a 0.3% increase. 政府支出,特别是国防支出,促进了增长,但家庭支出仍然疲软。 Government spending, especially defense, bolstered growth, but household spending remained weak. 澳大利亚储备银行很可能保持高利率来管理通货膨胀,尽管增长放缓。 The Reserve Bank of Australia is likely to keep high interest rates to manage inflation, despite the slower growth.