1998年,一名70岁的前青年拘留中心领导人被判定犯有协助强奸一名14岁少年的罪行。 A 70-year-old former youth detention center leader was found guilty of aiding in the rape of a 14-year-old in 1998.
新罕布什尔州陪审团发现,Bradley Asbury是一名70岁的青年拘留中心前领导人,他犯有在1998年强奸期间扣留一名14岁男孩的罪行。 A New Hampshire jury found Bradley Asbury, a 70-year-old former youth detention center leader, guilty of holding down a 14-year-old boy during a 1998 rape. Asbury面临长达20年的监禁,因为两项罪名都是严重的性攻击的共犯。 Asbury faces up to 20 years in prison for each of two counts of being an accomplice to aggravated sexual assault. 此案是2019年对Sunununu青年服务中心长期虐待的调查的一部分,在该中心逮捕了11名男子。 This case is part of a 2019 investigation into long-standing abuse at the Sununu Youth Services Center, where 11 men have been arrested. 受害者(现在41人)作证说,他多年来一直为应付袭击而挣扎。 The victim, now 41, testified that he had struggled to cope with the attack for years.