前雇员Bradley Asbury因被控在新罕布什尔Sunununu青年服务中心虐待一名十几岁男孩而受审。 Former employee Bradley Asbury faces trial for alleged role in abusing a teenage boy at New Hampshire's Sununu Youth Services Center.
对新罕布什尔省Sunununu青年服务中心前雇员Bradley Asbury的审判已经开始。 The trial of Bradley Asbury, a former employee at New Hampshire's Sununu Youth Services Center, has begun. 70岁的Asbury被指控在1990年代关押一名十几岁的男孩,而同事则强奸和虐待他。 Asbury, 70, is accused of holding down a teenage boy in the 1990s while colleagues raped and abused him. 他面临两项作为严重性攻击共犯的罪状,每项罪名一经定罪,最高可判处20年监禁。 He faces two counts of being an accomplice to aggravated sexual assault, with a maximum prison term of 20 years on each count if convicted. 这是第二次刑事审判 起因于2019年对中心历史虐待案的调查 导致九名男子面临指控 This is the second criminal trial stemming from a 2019 investigation into historic abuse at the center, leading to nine men facing charges. 调查还促使前居民提出1 100多起诉讼,指控六十多年来遭受身体、性或情感虐待。 The investigation has also spurred more than 1,100 lawsuits from former residents alleging physical, sexual, or emotional abuse over six decades.