一名来自新罕布什尔的56岁的男子因强奸一名儿童被判处13至14年徒刑。 A 56-year-old man from New Hampshire was sentenced to 13 to 14 years for raping a child.
一名来自马萨诸塞州新罕布什尔州Pelham的56岁男子因强奸一名儿童被判处13至14年徒刑。 A 56-year-old man from Pelham, New Hampshire, formerly of Haverhill, Massachusetts, has been sentenced to 13 to 14 years in prison for raping a child. Gjon Gjegji以所有罪名被定罪,包括三项强奸一名年龄差别严重的儿童罪和三项强奸一名儿童罪。 Gjon Gjegji was convicted on all charges, including three counts of rape of a child with an aggravated age difference and three counts of rape of a child with force. 这些罪行发生在2007年,他将在获释后被缓刑三年。 The crimes occurred in 2007, and he will be on probation for 3 years after his release.