两人在Viskhapatnam机场被捕,罪名是从泰国走私六只受保护的蓝舌蜥蜴。 Two people were arrested at Visakhapatnam Airport for smuggling six protected blue-tongue lizards from Thailand.
两人于11月24日在Visakapatnam机场被捕, 因为他们试图从泰国向印度走私六辆东蓝舌蜥蜴。 Two people were arrested at Visakhapatnam Airport on November 24 for trying to smuggle six Eastern Blue Tongue Lizards from Thailand into India. 这些蜥蜴是澳大利亚受保护的物种,被发现藏在蛋糕包中。 The lizards, a protected Australian species, were found hidden in cake packets. 他们被送回泰国,根据野生生物保护法,这些乘客被拘留。 They were sent back to Thailand, and the passengers were detained under wildlife protection laws. 该案件是目前打击野生动物走私努力的一部分。 The case is part of ongoing efforts to combat wildlife smuggling.