Sarasota的分享季节方案帮助受飓风影响的家庭,放松规则并增加援助。 Sarasota's Season of Sharing program aids hurricane-affected families, relaxing rules and increasing aid.
Sarasota的分享季节计划正在帮助家庭从最近的飓风和热带风暴中恢复过来, Sarasota's Season of Sharing program is helping families recover from recent hurricanes and a tropical storm by covering their bills. 自25年前启动以来,该方案向400多个家庭发放了710,000多美元。 Since its start 25 years ago, the program has distributed over $710,000 to more than 400 families. 它暂时放宽适用规则,并在严重飓风季节增加付款限额,以帮助萨拉索塔和周围各州的居民。 It temporarily relaxes application rules and increases payment limits during severe hurricane seasons to aid residents in Sarasota and surrounding counties.