父母们被445美元的账单震撼了 3岁小孩在急诊室的鼻涕结巴测试 却没看医生 Parents stunned by $445 bill for 3-year-old's nasal swab test in ER without seeing a doctor.
在伊利诺伊州Peoria,一名3岁的孩子在急诊室接受了鼻涕结巴测试,但没有看医生就离开了。 A 3-year-old in Peoria, Illinois, received a nasal swab test at an ER but left without seeing a doctor. 尽管没有得到任何医疗咨询,但全家震惊地收到一笔445美元的测试账单。 The family was shocked to receive a $445 bill for the test, despite not receiving any medical consultation. 这一事件突显了保健费用支付的复杂性和缺乏透明度,特别是因为要求保险公司在不分担费用的情况下进行COVID测试的规定于2023年5月终止。 This incident highlights the complexity and lack of transparency in healthcare billing, especially since the requirement for insurance companies to cover COVID tests without cost-sharing ended in May 2023.