新南威尔士地区大宗收费的全科医生诊所短缺,使许多人无法方便地获得负担得起的护理服务。 Shortage of bulk-billing GP clinics in NSW areas leaves many without easy access to affordable care.
《2025年清洁比尔蓝报告》显示,在新南威尔士的Hunter、Shortland和Lyne, 缺少批量收费的GP诊所, 影响到新成年病人, The 2025 Cleanbill Blue Report reveals a shortage of bulk-billing GP clinics in Hunter, Shortland, and Lyne in New South Wales, affecting new adult patients without concessions during regular hours. 虽然有些选民获得了诊所,但自2023年以来,86.7%的选民失去了诊所。 While some electorates gained clinics, 86.7% lost them since 2023. 报告还强调指出,每四个政府采购诊所中就有一个没有网站,只有大约一半的显示价格信息在网上显示,显示的可用性较少。 The report also highlights that one in four GP clinics lack websites, and only about half display pricing information online, with fewer showing availability. 信息匮乏影响到150多万澳大利亚人,他们因费用而推迟或跳过政府采购访问。 This scarcity of information impacts over 1.5 million Australians who delay or skip GP visits due to cost.