NH法官援引最高法院的裁决,寻求对2001年杀人罪的少年无期徒刑进行复审。 NH judge seeks review of juvenile's life sentence for 2001 killings, citing Supreme Court ruling.
一位新罕布什尔州法官要求州最高法院重新评估Robert Tulloch的终身无假释判决,他17岁就认罪,于2001年杀害了两名达特茅斯教授。 A New Hampshire judge has asked the state's highest court to reassess the life without parole sentence of Robert Tulloch, who pleaded guilty at 17 to killing two Dartmouth professors in 2001. 2012年美国最高法院裁定,对青少年判处不得假释的强制性无期徒刑是违宪的,因此重新审议了此案。 The case is reconsidered due to a 2012 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that mandatory life sentences without parole for juveniles are unconstitutional. 新罕布什尔检察总长尚未建议新判刑,双方同意法院必须确定是否可判处少年不得假释。 The New Hampshire attorney general has not yet recommended a new sentence, and both sides agree a court must determine if a juvenile can be sentenced without parole.