17 岁的谋杀罪犯罗伯特·塔洛克 (Robert Tulloch) 根据 2012 年美国最高法院对少年罪犯的裁决,对终身不得假释的判决提出质疑。 17-year-old murder convict Robert Tulloch challenges life-without-parole sentence in light of 2012 U.S. Supreme Court ruling on juvenile offenders.
罗伯特·塔洛克 (Robert Tulloch) 在 17 岁时因 2001 年谋杀达特茅斯学院教授而被定罪,他对自己的终身不得假释的判决提出异议,声称这违反了新罕布什尔州宪法。 Robert Tulloch, convicted at 17 for the 2001 murders of Dartmouth College professors, is contesting his life-without-parole sentence, claiming it violates the New Hampshire Constitution. 他的律师辩称,国家禁止对少年犯作出这种判决。 His lawyer argues that the state prohibits such sentences for juvenile offenders. 2012年美国最高法院做出裁决, 认为对青少年的强制性终身监禁是“残忍和不寻常的”。 This challenge follows a 2012 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that deemed mandatory life sentences for juveniles as "cruel and unusual." 开庭审理是为了解决案件的法律问题。 A hearing is set to address the case's legal issues.