前内布拉斯加州州参议员John Kuehn提出诉讼,以阻止因签名无效和违反程序而获得医用大麻请愿书的认证。 Former Nebraska state senator John Kuehn files lawsuit to block medical marijuana petitions' certification due to invalid signatures and procedural violations.
前内布拉斯加州州参议员John Kuehn提出诉讼, 以阻拦为11月投票准备的两份医用大麻请愿书的认证。 A former Nebraska state senator, John Kuehn, has filed a lawsuit to block the certification of two medical marijuana petitions intended for the November ballot. Kuehn认为,许多签名无效,声称违反了国家法律和程序规则。 Kuehn argues that many signatures are invalid, claiming violations of state law and procedural rules. 他认为,如果撤销这些签名,请愿书可能达不到必要的认证门槛。 He contends that if these signatures are removed, the petitions may not meet the required threshold for certification. 诉讼还质疑请愿书是否遵守国家单一主体规则。 The lawsuit also challenges the petitions' adherence to the state's single-subject rule.