印度银行联盟AIUBOSA在部门挑战中推动争取更好的权利和工作条件。 Indian bank union AIUBOSA pushes for better rights and working conditions amid sector challenges.
AIUBOSA是印度银行官员的工会,倡导权利和更好的工作条件。 AIUBOSA, a trade union for bank officers in India, advocates for rights and better working conditions. AIUBOSA在秘书长D S Ganesan的领导下,侧重于平等、正义和透明度等价值观。 Led by General Secretary D S Ganesan, AIUBOSA focuses on values like equity, justice, and transparency. 该小组努力执行政府政策,改进晋升程序,保护公共部门银行的工作保障。 The group works to implement government policies, improve promotion procedures, and protect job security in public sector banks. 尽管银行部门面临挑战,AIUBOSA的目标是通过积极的领导和改革努力带来积极变化。 Despite banking sector challenges, AIUBOSA aims to bring positive changes through active leadership and reform efforts.