一群15名远足者在Kludahk轨迹上度过了一个额外的夜晚,这是由于冬季条件所致,他们得到了搜索和救援的帮助。 A group of 15 hikers spent an extra night on Kludahk Trail due to winter conditions, aided by search and rescue.
一群15名远足者,包括4名成人和11名儿童,在Kludahk轨迹上面临意想不到的冬季条件,导致第二次过夜。 A group of 15 hikers, including four adults and 11 children, faced unexpected winter conditions on the Kludahk Trail, leading to a second overnight stay. Juan de Fuca搜索救援队与其他小组一道,因能见度低而作出反应,阻止直升机撤离。 Juan de Fuca Search and Rescue, alongside other teams, responded due to low visibility, preventing a helicopter evacuation. 2名成年人和6名年轻人与搜救人员一起远足,其余与志愿者一起过夜。 Two adults and six young people hiked out with SAR members, while the rest stayed overnight with volunteers. 该小组因及早呼吁提供帮助和适当准备而受到赞扬。 The group was praised for their early call for help and proper preparation.