温哥华艺术家Casey Wei获得25 000美元的奖项, Vancouver artist Casey Wei wins $25,000 prize for video art on family's migration post-Tiananmen.
温哥华艺术家Casey Wei 赢得了Philip B. Lind 新兴艺术家奖, Vancouver artist Casey Wei has won the Philip B. Lind Emerging Artist Prize, receiving $25,000 for her video installation "The Zhang Clan." 调查她母亲在天安门广场大屠杀后从中国向澳大利亚移民的情况。 The work explores her mother's family's migration to Australia from China after the Tiananmen Square massacre. Wei是从在北温哥华的波利贡美术馆展出的5名决赛选手中选出的。 Wei was selected from five finalists exhibiting at The Polygon Gallery in North Vancouver. 该奖项每两年颁发一次,表彰不列颠哥伦比亚省新兴艺术家。 The prize, awarded biannually, recognizes emerging artists in British Columbia.