一名60岁的男子因性攻击他在一家酒吧遇到的一名醉酒妇女而被判处7年徒刑。 A 60-year-old man was sentenced to seven years for sexually assaulting an intoxicated woman he met at a pub.
一名60岁的男子Karl Bacash因在2017年从里士满酒吧接走的一名27岁妇女遭到性攻击,被判处7年徒刑。 A 60-year-old man, Karl Bacash, was sentenced to seven years in prison for sexually assaulting a 27-year-old woman he picked up from a Richmond pub in 2017. Bacash被裁定犯有两项强奸罪和一项性攻击罪。 Bacash was found guilty of two counts of rape and one count of sexual assault. 受害者严重醉酒,患有创伤后应激障碍,无法与男性建立关系。 The victim, who was heavily intoxicated, suffered post-traumatic stress disorder and is unable to form relationships with men. Bacash将在四年零十个月后有资格获得假释。 Bacash will be eligible for parole after four years and 10 months.