在滑铁卢被捕的男子因出于仇恨威胁和对受害者使用种族污秽手段而遭到逮捕。 Man arrested in Waterloo for hate-motivated threats and using racial slurs against a victim.
一名34岁的男子在安大略的滑铁卢被捕,原因是据称发生了一起出于仇恨动机的事件,涉及种族污点和对北King Street的一座住宅楼进行威胁。 A 34-year-old man was arrested in Waterloo, Ontario, in connection with an alleged hate-motivated incident involving racial slurs and threats made at a residential building on King Street North. 嫌疑人在逃跑之前跟踪并威胁受害者。 The suspect followed and threatened the victim before fleeing. 在星期六被捕后,他被控犯有刑事骚扰、威胁和持有被盗财产罪。 He was charged with criminal harassment, uttering threats, and possession of stolen property after his arrest on Saturday.