22岁的男子在奥克兰被捕,罪名是道路狂暴、抢劫和驾驶被取消资格。 22-year-old man arrested in Auckland for road rage, robbery, and driving while disqualified.
一名22岁的男子在奥克兰北岸被捕,当时他先在公路狂暴中威胁一名驾车人。 A 22-year-old man was arrested in Auckland's North Shore after a crime spree that began with a road rage incident where he threatened a motorist. 他后来抢劫了一家酒店,用车牌工具威胁工作人员,并偷酒。 He later robbed a liquor store, threatening staff with a car jack tool and stealing alcohol. 他被指控犯有多项罪行,包括抢劫和驾驶被取消资格,他定于11月14日出庭。 Charged with multiple offenses, including robbery and driving while disqualified, he is set to appear in court on November 14. 警察强调,他们致力于解决这种反社会行为。 Police emphasize their commitment to addressing such anti-social behavior.