GB能源主席呼吁社区参与英国向清洁能源的过渡。 GB Energy chairman calls for community involvement in the UK's transition to clean energy.
大不列颠能源(GB Energy)主席Jurgen Maier强调,由于联合王国的目标是在本十年结束时使其电网去碳化,因此有必要开展清洁能源项目,使当地社区受益。 Chairman of Great British Energy (GB Energy), Jurgen Maier, emphasized the need for clean energy projects to benefit local communities as the UK aims to decarbonize its power grid by the end of the decade. GB 能源在五年内得到83亿英镑的资助,它将投资于风力和其他可再生项目。 GB Energy, funded with £8.3 billion over five years, will invest in wind and other renewable projects. Maier敦促政策制定者让社区参与向绿色能源的过渡。 Maier urges policymakers to involve communities in the transition to green energy. 能源部长爱德·米利班德发誓要解决反对新的风力农场和高塔的问题,认为这是国家安全和经济正义的问题。 Energy Secretary Ed Miliband vows to address opposition to new wind farms and pylons, viewing it as a matter of national security and economic justice.