底特律雄狮队的詹姆森·威廉姆斯 (Jameson Williams) 不会因无证在他兄弟的车里开枪而面临指控。 Detroit Lions' Jameson Williams won't face charges for gun in his brother's car without a license.
底特律雄狮队外接手詹姆森·威廉姆斯 (Jameson Williams) 在一次交通拦截中在他哥哥的车里发现了一把登记在他名下的枪支,因此不会面临指控。 Detroit Lions wide receiver Jameson Williams will not face charges after a gun registered to him was found in his brother's car during a traffic stop. Williams没有隐藏的手枪执照,但Wayne县检察官办公室以缺乏相关判例法为由,发现没有明确的法律依据对他提出指控。 Williams did not have a concealed pistol license, but the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office found no clear legal basis to charge him, citing a lack of relevant case law. Williams最初被拘留,但后来获释。 Williams was initially taken into custody but later released.