底特律警方调查NFL球员Jameson Williams为何没有因在交通中停留期间未经许可持有隐藏武器而被捕。 Detroit Police investigate why NFL player Jameson Williams was not arrested for possessing a concealed weapon without a permit during a traffic stop.
底特律警察局正在调查 为何NFL球员Jameson Williams 在10月8日交通中断期间 没有获得许可 便持有隐藏武器 The Detroit Police Department is investigating why NFL player Jameson Williams was not arrested for possessing a concealed weapon without a permit during a traffic stop on October 8. 尸体摄像头的录像显示,在车上发现了两把枪,其中一把枪在Williams的座位下。 Bodycam footage revealed that two guns were found in the car, one of which was under Williams' seat. 虽然警察有逮捕的可能理由,但他获释。 Although officers had probable cause for arrest, he was released. 调查的目的是澄清与这一决定有关的情况。 The investigation aims to clarify the circumstances surrounding this decision.