Joshua Williams,22岁,因在牛顿县加油站打架时拉枪被捕。 Joshua Williams, 22, arrested for pulling a gun during a fight at a Newton County gas station.
22岁的Joshua Williams在牛顿县马拉松加油站发生争执后被捕,他在那里与一名25岁男子发生争吵时拔出一把枪。 22-year-old Joshua Williams was arrested after a dispute at a Marathon Gas Station in Newton County, where he pulled out a gun during an altercation with a 25-year-old man. 开枪射击,但无人受伤。 A shot was fired but no one was injured. 威廉斯逃跑了,但很快被抓了 Williams fled but was soon caught. 他现在面临严重攻击、殴打和在犯罪期间持有火器的指控,并被关押在Newton县拘留中心。 He now faces charges for aggravated assault, battery, and possessing a firearm during a crime, and is in custody at the Newton County Detention Center.