在底特律,没有因在狮子会后挡板活动中自卫射击,造成两人死亡而受到指控。 In Detroit, no charges filed for self-defense shooting at Lions tailgate event, leaving two dead.
底特律当局宣布,在狮子会尾门活动发生枪击事件,造成两人死亡后,不会提出任何指控。 Authorities in Detroit announced no charges will be filed following a shooting at a Lions tailgate event that left two dead. 25岁的Jalen Welch在一场争吵中挥舞了一支枪。 The shooter, a licensed concealed carry holder, acted in self-defense against Jalen Welch, 25, who brandished a gun during an altercation. 旁观者Rayshawn Palmer, 40岁,也被杀害。 A bystander, Rayshawn Palmer, 40, was also killed. Wayne县检察官Kym Worthy说,没有足够的证据指控枪手,他援引密歇根州自卫法。 Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy stated there was insufficient evidence to charge the shooter, citing Michigan self-defense laws.