美国航空公司从伦敦飞行的飞机在波士顿的洛根机场撞到了一架停放的边境飞机的翼尖, 没有人受伤. American Airlines flight from London clipped a parked Frontier plane's wingtip at Boston's Logan Airport, with no injuries.
星期一在波士顿的洛根国际机场 一架美国航空公司的飞机 意外切断了一架停靠的边境航空飞机的机翼 On Monday at Boston's Logan International Airport, an American Airlines plane accidentally clipped the wingtip of a parked Frontier Airlines plane headed to Dallas. 美国航空公司的航班是从伦敦飞来的 The American Airlines flight had arrived from London. 未报告有人受伤,但两架飞机均接受损坏检查。 No injuries were reported, but both planes were inspected for damage. 联邦航空局正在调查这一事件,当时机场预计感恩节之前会有繁忙的旅程。 The FAA is investigating the incident, which occurred while the airport anticipates heavy travel ahead of Thanksgiving.