两架客机在希思罗机场 3 号航站楼例行后退过程中相撞。 2 passenger planes collided at Heathrow Airport during a routine pushback at Terminal 3.
两架客机在希思罗机场 3 号航站楼例行后退过程中相撞。 Two passenger planes collided at Heathrow Airport during a routine pushback at Terminal 3. 一架空的维珍航空波音 787-9 客机在被拖曳时,其机翼撞上了静止的英国航空公司飞机的尾部。 An empty Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787-9 was being towed when its wing clipped the tail of a stationary British Airways aircraft. 维珍航空客机上无人,紧急服务部门对这一事件做出了响应。 No one was on board the Virgin Atlantic plane, and emergency services responded to the incident. 目前,当局已展开调查,以确定碰撞原因。 An investigation has been launched to determine the cause of the collision.