日本航空公司的飞机撞上了停在西雅图-塔科马机场的达美飞机;没有受伤报告。 Japan Airlines plane hits parked Delta plane at Seattle-Tacoma Airport; no injuries reported.
周三上午,日本航空公司的一架飞机在西雅图-塔科马国际机场与一架停放的达美航空公司飞机相撞。 A Japan Airlines plane collided with a parked Delta Airlines aircraft at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Wednesday morning. 事件发生在上午 10 点 15 分左右,当时滑行的日本航空公司航班的机翼撞上了正在等待除冰的达美飞机的尾部。 The incident occurred around 10:15 a.m. when the wing of the taxiing Japan Airlines flight struck the tail of the Delta plane, which was waiting for deicing. 没有受伤报告,但两组乘客都被下机。 No injuries were reported, but both sets of passengers were deplaned. 美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)暂时暂停了飞往机场的一些航班,并正在调查这起碰撞事件。 The Federal Aviation Administration temporarily paused some flights to the airport and is investigating the collision. 该机场报告对运营的影响很小。 The airport reported minimal impact on operations.