三名男子因暴力入侵新西兰家庭而被捕,造成一条狗死亡,一人受伤。 Three men are arrested for a violent home invasion in New Zealand that left a dog dead and one person hurt.
3名男子,年龄分别为27岁、29岁和35岁,在新西兰Northland的一次暴力家庭入侵后被逮捕和指控,其中1名家庭狗被杀,1人住院。 Three men, aged 27, 29, and 35, have been arrested and charged after a violent home invasion in Northland, New Zealand, where a family's dog was killed, and one person was hospitalized. 经过周末调查后,在丰盛湾追踪并逮捕了嫌犯。 The suspects were tracked and apprehended in the Bay of Plenty following a weekend investigation. 他们面临包括严重入室盗窃、使用火器和故意损害在内的指控。 They face charges including aggravated burglary, use of a firearm, and intentional damage. 警察调查继续进行,有可能进一步逮捕。 The police investigation continues, with potential for further arrests.