16岁,4个男子 在奥克兰的埃普索姆被捕 因侵入住宅,绑架和入室盗窃。 16-year-old, 4 men arrested in Auckland's Epsom for home invasion, kidnapping, and burglary.
在奥克兰的高档 Epsom,四名男子和一名 16 岁少年因入室盗窃和绑架而被捕。 In Auckland's upscale Epsom, four men and a 16-year-old were arrested for a home invasion and kidnapping. 警方在午夜过后不久对关于强行进入和武器使用的报告作出反应,发现受害者没有受到伤害,但遭到违背其意愿的扣留。 Police responded shortly after midnight to reports of forced entry and weapon use, finding the victim unharmed but held against their will. 嫌疑人在法庭上面临绑架和入室盗窃的指控。 The suspects face charges of kidnapping and burglary in court. 当局强调对社区安全的承诺,因为该地区对枪支犯罪的关切日益增加。 Authorities emphasize their commitment to community safety amid rising gun crime concerns in the area.