俄罗斯牧师因批评乌克兰入侵而被捕,面临长达六年的监禁。 Russian pastor arrested for criticizing Ukraine invasion, facing up to six years in prison.
俄罗斯牧师Nikolay Romanyuk(Nikolay Romanyuk)因批评俄罗斯入侵乌克兰及敦促信徒不要参与冲突而被捕。 A Russian pastor, Nikolay Romanyuk, has been arrested for criticizing Russia's invasion of Ukraine and urging believers not to participate in the conflict. 他面临长达六年的监禁或最高100万卢布的罚款,罪名是与公开呼吁破坏国家安全有关。 He faces up to six years in prison or a fine of up to one million Roubles for charges related to public calls against state security. 这起逮捕案突显了俄罗斯在持续战争期间对言论自由和宗教言论自由的日益关切。 This arrest highlights growing concerns over the freedom of speech and religious expression in Russia amid the ongoing war.