澳大利亚城市可增加300多万个中等密度住宅,许多靠近火车站。 Australian cities could add over 3 million medium-density homes, with many near train stations.
CoreLogic和Archistar最近进行的分析显示,澳大利亚首都城市有300多万户中等密度家庭,如城镇住宅和双层住宅,接近火车站的近60%。 Recent analyses by CoreLogic and Archistar show potential for over three million medium-density homes, such as townhouses and duplexes, in Australian capital cities, with almost 60% near train stations. 墨尔本可容纳1,163,118个新住宅,随后是悉尼934,428个。 Melbourne can accommodate 1,163,118 new homes, followed by Sydney with 934,428. 在悉尼,新南威尔士州政府计划在主要交通枢纽周围建造近6万套住房,对社区设施投资5亿多美元。 In Sydney, the New South Wales government plans to develop nearly 60,000 homes around major transport hubs, investing over $500 million in community facilities.