在多人因受污染产品导致甲醇中毒而死亡后,家人正在采取预防措施。 Families are taking precautions after multiple deaths linked to methanol poisoning from contaminated products.
在发生几起与甲醇中毒有关的死亡事件后,家属正在采取新的预防措施。 Families are taking new precautions after several deaths linked to methanol poisoning. 甲醇是一种有毒酒精,常见于洗手液和一些燃料中,已造成多人死亡。 Methanol, a toxic alcohol often found in hand sanitizers and some fuels, has caused multiple fatalities. 忧心忡忡的父母现在正在仔细检查产品的安全性,倡导更严格的法规,并教育他们的社区了解与甲醇接触相关的风险。 Concerned parents are now carefully checking products for safety, advocating for stricter regulations, and educating their communities about the risks associated with methanol exposure.