一名墨尔本青少年在老挝死亡,据报告他吸食了有毒物质甲醇。 A Melbourne teenager died in Laos after reportedly consuming methanol, a toxic substance.
据报告一名墨尔本青少年在老挝消费甲醇后死亡。 A Melbourne teenager died after reportedly consuming methanol in Laos. 中毒的确切情况不清楚,但甲醇 -- -- 一种通常在非法生产的酒精中发现的有毒物质 -- -- 可能导致严重的健康问题和死亡。 The exact circumstances of the poisoning are not clear, but methanol, a toxic substance often found in illegally produced alcohol, can cause severe health issues and death. 当局正在调查这起事件。 Authorities are investigating the incident.