一名摩托车手在墨尔本撞车后死亡; 这是今年维多利亚州第55次这样的死亡。 A motorcyclist died after colliding with a car in Melbourne; it's the 55th such death this year in Victoria.
一名摩托车手于星期五上午在墨尔本中央商业区Flinders和展览街交叉处撞上一辆汽车后死亡。 A motorcyclist died after a collision with a car near the intersection of Flinders and Exhibition Streets in Melbourne's Central Business District on Friday morning. 受害人在现场被宣布死亡。 The victim was pronounced dead at the scene. 司机留在现场,当局关闭附近街道。 The car driver stayed at the scene, and authorities closed nearby streets. 这起事件是今年维多利亚州道路上55名摩托车手死亡事件之一,比上一年增加了34%。 This incident is one of 55 motorcyclist deaths on Victorian roads this year, marking a 34% increase from the previous year. 警方正在调查坠机事故 Police are investigating the crash.