在阿德莱德的行人路上,有人在圣诞节装饰的汽车中醉酒驾车被抓获。 Man caught driving drunk in Christmas-decorated car on pedestrian paths in Adelaide.
澳大利亚南部一名65岁的老人在11月24日醉酒驾驶着圣诞装饰的车, A 65-year-old man in South Australia drove his Christmas-decorated car on pedestrian-only paths while drunk on November 24. 在阿德莱德的亨利广场发现 他的呼吸测试显示 血液酒精浓度为0.071 高于0.05法定限量 Found in Adelaide's Henley Square, his breath test showed a blood-alcohol level of 0.071, above the legal limit of 0.05. 他面临酒后驾车和危险驾驶的指控,他的汽车被扣押28天。 He faces charges for drink driving and dangerous driving, with his car impounded for 28 days. 南澳大利亚的BAC在0.05至0.08之间,罚款849美元和4分。 Fines for a BAC between 0.05 and 0.08 in South Australia are $849 and four demerit points.