57 岁女子在新南威尔士州东梅特兰撞上 BAC 为 0.342 的杆子,是法定限值的七倍,被指控犯有高范围酒后驾驶罪。 57-year-old woman charged with high-range drink driving after crashing into a pole with BAC of 0.342, seven times legal limit, in East Maitland, NSW.
57岁的妇女被控驾驶高射程饮料,在汽车撞入新南威尔士州东梅特兰新英格兰高速公路的一条交通灯杆后,拒绝接受呼吸测试。 57-year-old woman charged with high-range drink driving and refusing to submit to a breath test after crashing her car into a traffic light pole on New England Highway in East Maitland, NSW. 8月28日,据称她有0.342的血液酒精读数,是法律限制的0.05的7倍。 On August 28, she allegedly had a blood alcohol reading of 0.342, seven times the legal limit of 0.05. 她没有通过路边呼吸测试,后来在梅特兰警察局确诊有酒精血液读数。 She failed a roadside breath test and later had a confirmed blood alcohol reading at Maitland Police Station. 她下个月将在梅特兰地方法院出庭。 She will appear in Maitland Local Court next month.