五名美国参议员以经验丰富的飞行员的价值为例, 力推将国际试点退休年龄提高到67岁。 Five U.S. senators push to raise international pilot retirement age to 67, citing experienced pilots' value.
美国五位参议员,包括John Thune和Marsha Blackburn, 都敦促拜登政府支持将强制性试点退休年龄从65岁提高到67岁。 Five U.S. senators, including John Thune and Marsha Blackburn, have urged the Biden administration to support raising the mandatory pilot retirement age from 65 to 67 internationally. 他们请国务卿安东尼·布林肯在国际民用航空组织倡导这一变革,同时指出经验丰富的试点项目的重要性。 They asked Secretary of State Antony Blinken to advocate for this change at the International Civil Aviation Organization, noting the importance of experienced pilots. 去年,一项类似的提议被国会否决。 Last year, a similar proposal was rejected by Congress.