CBC创下67名黑人立法者的记录,旨在影响有关保健和药物成本的政策。 CBC sets record with 67 Black lawmakers, aiming to influence policies on healthcare and drug costs.
国会黑人核心小组(CBC)将创下纪录, 下届国会共有62名成员, 共有67名黑人立法者, The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) will set a record with 62 members in the next session of Congress, totaling 67 Black lawmakers, the highest in history. 1971年成立的CBC将重点追究当选总统唐纳德·特朗普及其支持者的责任,特别是对影响黑人美国人的政策,如保健和药物费用。 The CBC, established in 1971, will focus on holding President-elect Donald Trump and his supporters accountable, particularly on policies affecting Black Americans, such as healthcare and drug costs. 尽管共和党占多数,但广播公司旨在为边缘化社区进行宣传。 Despite the Republican majority, the CBC aims to advocate for marginalized communities.