两名参议员寻求议会调查澳大利亚议会的种族主义和性别歧视问题。 Two senators seek a parliamentary inquiry into racism and sexism in Australian Parliament.
参议员Lidia Thorpe和Mehreen Faruqi正在推动国会在澳大利亚议会中对种族主义和性别歧视进行调查。 Senators Lidia Thorpe and Mehreen Faruqi are pushing for a parliamentary inquiry into racism and sexism in the Australian Parliament. 他们辩称,尽管有现行的行为规范,但歧视依然存在,为政治中的有色人种青年制造了障碍。 They argue that despite existing behavior codes, discrimination persists, creating barriers for young people of color in politics. 参议员们呼吁进行反种族主义培训和审查常备命令,以期在2025年3月31日前改善参议院的安全和尊重。 The senators are calling for anti-racism training and a review of standing orders, aiming to improve safety and respect in the Senate by March 31, 2025.