创纪录的四名印度教立法者加入了第119届美国国会,其中一部分是14名非基督教或非犹太教徒代表。 Record four Hindu lawmakers join 119th US Congress, part of 14 non-Christian or non-Jewish representatives.
从1月4日开始的第119届美国国会, 包括创纪录的四名印度教立法者, 共有14名非基督教或非犹太教立法者, The 119th US Congress, starting on January 4th, includes a record four Hindu lawmakers, part of a total 14 non-Christian or non-Jewish lawmakers, all Democrats. 该团体还包括4名穆斯林、3名佛教徒和3名统一普世主义者。 The group also includes four Muslims, three Buddhists, and three Unitarian Universalists. 基督教仍然占主导地位,犹太人是第二大群体,占6%,紧随其后的是印度教徒和穆斯林,各有4名成员。 Christianity remains dominant, with Jews as the second-largest group at 6%, followed closely by Hindus and Muslims with four members each.