众议院民主党重新引入了H. R. 40年后,设立一个委员会,研究非裔美国人的赔偿问题。 House Democrats reintroduce H.R. 40 to establish a commission to study reparations for African Americans.
Ayanna Pressley Republic和Sen. Cory Booker领导的众议院民主党重新恢复了H. R. House Democrats, led by Rep. Ayanna Pressley and Sen. Cory Booker, have reintroduced H.R. 40,旨在成立一个委员会,研究非洲裔美国人的赔偿问题。 40, aiming to establish a commission to study reparations for African Americans. Pressley强调该法案对于解决奴隶制和种族主义的持久影响的重要性, Despite facing opposition from Republicans and the Trump administration, which has rolled back diversity programs, Pressley emphasizes the bill's importance in addressing the lasting impacts of slavery and racism. 该立法自1989年以来一直在重新引入,但尚未推进过去的委员会。 The legislation has been reintroduced since 1989 but has yet to advance past committee.